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Dwarven Guard
Dwarven Guards are elite warriors of the Dwarven Race. Most talented dwarves with high crossbow skills are taken by Sentinel Guild and trained to become Dwarven Guards. There are few of them who actually passes the training, but those who does become highly respected cast of warriors. Any dwarven commander knows how valuable they are, because Dwarven Guards fulfill many important roles in dwarven army.Forage, preparation of food dumps, placement of traps, secret monitoring of enemy movements and frontier protection - these are daily duties of every Dwarven Guard. Dwarven Guards may be called special forces of dwarven army. Though in hard times, when every dwarf counts, they fight in the same lines with common dwarves, showing the examples of exceptional courage and weapon mastery.

Range of their skills is so huge, that it's easier to say what Dwarven Guards can not do, than to say what they can. But above all, they are the masters of concealment! Given enough time, they can dig underground lair and hide so that they may only be discovered by an accident. Nevertheless, enemy is smart and Dwarven Guards should not loosen discipline. Cunning Men send scout dogs to smell a hidden dwarf and cautious Orcs train wolfs for that purpose.

The lair is usually small and only one Guard can be concealed there. Dwarven Guards use modified versions of crossbows to deliver more damage and also apply deadly venom upon bolts. They wear no heavy armour, but wield a mace and a shield for close combat. Dwarven Guards can ride Griffins, and as mentioned above, know how to place traps and prepare food dumps.